Freedom is...: 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Plant a Tomato

   If we suddenly found ourselves without a viable income, could we adapt in time to survive? A premise like this would have, in recent history, seemed a little far fetched. Unfortunately though many Americans today are finding out it may be a bit more of a valid question than we would have thought even a few years ago. We all remember a time when employment was much easier to find. Giving us a since of security even if we weren't “in the market” and were happy with our current situations, at least we knew there were options if we wanted to choose them. Now things have changed. Not only are there few gainful positions available, many of us labor under the burden of the knowledge we may be “downsized” or loose our jobs all together for the sake of the bottom line.

  Even before the current economic woes we currently face in this country, studies suggested the average family could only make it for three weeks to a few months on their savings. What options do we have? It's pretty evident, the ones we create for ourselves, or the ones the government will provide. It is time to at least consider what we are willing to do to keep out of the soup kitchen lines for every meal, as lively as the conversation may be. What will you do?
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Monday, September 14, 2009


  Real options don't just fall out of the sky. We must actively seek them. Seeking the information to guide us in making decisions is necessary to make us capable of such decisions. The more open minded we are the more possibilities present themselves. We have been trained for so long that “beef is whats for dinner” we have closed our minds off to several other options. Sure we still eat pork, chicken, and fish (in spite of the cattle industry). But few are the acceptable options beyond that. Because of the limited nature of economically feasible production animals, and the success of big business in refining our choices down to the ones they offer...
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Illusion of Choice

  We in this country are free to choose, as we are told, from youth. We can weigh available options to draw our own conclusion. We can come to any conclusion we wish. In the end, after all is said and done we feel like we have been completely autonomous in our decision. Sometimes, however the bets have been hedged...
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Friday, September 4, 2009

Sustainability = Freedom

   This blog is not intended to speak to the growing number of people who already have an idea of what sustainability means. Not yet at least; it's more for the folks, like I know, that may have never had a thorough understanding of what the word means or why we should even be interested in it.

   So what is sustainability. I don't want to give some link under the word to a definition, because I want to explain what it means to me, personally. Sustainability to me is: over what period of time can this activity be supported. It is more than just a catchword for the people concerned about the environment, it is how long "anything" can be supported over time...
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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Freedom caretaking

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Saturday, August 29, 2009


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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Freedom on a Raft

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Looking for Freedom

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Not Without My Permission

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

New Ways Of Thinking

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Saturday, August 8, 2009


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