Freedom is...: 3/28/10 - 4/4/10

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We are all environmentalist like it or not

   The environment is where you live. It doesn't matter if you are a hamster or a human. Most of the noise we hear on the news today though seems to revolve around some idealized sense of what environment is. The mind conjures up pictures of pristine natural woodland scenes with Bambi bouncing through the grass. Most of us however, who live in the city, may never even see such a picturesque example of gem quality babbling brooks where that dear drinks. Yet we are still included.

   When I think of environment or someone who calls them self an environmentalist I have a bunch of canned, media created notions, of people chaining themselves to trees and bulldozers,  carted off to jail by the bus load, getting a mugshot on the 6 o-cock news, and a labeled as an environmental terrorist.

    The thing is those people are not necessarily environmentalists they are activists.  The biggest advocates for the environment that I know of are much less marketable.
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