Mono-crystalline solar cells are created by first growing actual crystals or boules of silicon then slicing them thin to put into solar panels. This is the oldest and most efficient type of solar cell commonly available.
Pictured here is a relatively low cost set to help you get started on your first solar experience, if you have a few more dollars to spend than would be necessary for a poly setup of the same wattage production.
Being more efficient, a mono-crystalline solar array will take up less space than either an amorphous or a polycrystalline solar system with the same output value. So this would be the perfect type of panel to buy if space is too much of an issue. This solar panel will suffer the same setbacks as a poly system but it will produce more peak power. Being that this is a set though you will have fewer headaches in the initial install (which can make a first solar experience rough)
Even with the initial extra expense of this type of panel you should still see a savings in your utility bill by the first year easily. If you are really serious this kind of technology is the longest lived at a typical loss of efficiency of .5% or less a year. This particular guarantees 90% of total expected production to still be available in this panel for 10 years.
This is an excellent choice for a first solar set if you are in it for the long haul.
Mono-crystalline panels have higher output levels per inch than the other technologies commonly available today.
Mono-crystalline panels have longer expected lifespans than other tech
Mono-crystalline panels are the old kid on the block so this is tried and true tech
Pretty much the same as the poly panels they are of rigid construction only and suffer loss due to shadowing.
It also has an inverter so you can plug your AC stuff right in.